It does not happen very often that you have known a person forever and after years that person shows up again all grown up and sophisticated. Then you proudly say: yes, I've always known she would make it.
I was a teenager when I saw Michelle Williams on "Dawson's creek" for the first time and I loved her at once. There was Katie Holmes's character that everybody loved, but I didn't, she had too annoying voice.
Michelle was different.
Time went by and so did the emotions caused by the "Dawson's creek" while I still hate Dawson for being a total creep, not in a good sense though.
I grew up as most people do.
And I saw "If these walls could talk 2". I stayed at my friend's. She went to sleep early and I did not know what to do (there was no internet yet), so I turned the TV on and saw this movie which made a quite impression on me. There are greater actresses in this movie than not-so-well-known Michelle Williams or Chloe Sevigny, but they upstage everyone else around. Who knows, it might just be that I was in 10th grade or something by that time and the subject interested me, like of that feminism, homosexuality and the 70's. The movie is quite emotional and powerful, in an indie Hollywood way though. Probably I wouldn't be that impressed if I saw it now.
Michelle Williams still got it.
The other movie that made me cry was "Me without you". Well, I could not quite identify myself with her character in this movie, but there was something common between us anyway. Smart Jewish girl being friends with the bohemian British girl from crazy family, falling for the brother of the latter; giving up her feelings, thoughts and principles for the childhood friendship. At that time I had also given up "something" (for the different reason) and had let it go.
I've cried over this movie and the feelings of Williams' character because I knew exactly how she felt.
Luckily, that something that I had almost given up did not let me go...

And now she went Marilyn. I wouldn't exaggerate if I say that she's the best Marilyn that has ever been made so far. You know how I adore Marilyn Monroe, so before I watched the trailer I told myself not to judge and not expect anything at all. Just watch and listen. You should never ask from any director or actress to create better Marilyn than she was herself. Impossible.
Michelle did it.
Michelle did it and not because she looks exactly like Marilyn, or walks and talks like her; no, simply because she has this rare humbleness in her character that Marilyn too had. She has a low profile and does not make dramas out of her life, others do.
Michelle created Marilyn and did not spoil anything. She did not try to be more attractive than expected; did not overdo with the appearance or voice.
And what made me happy was that Michelle did not make that terrible looking-fool eyes that most actresses have done when performing Marilyn. Face it, only Marilyn Monroe could do that natural-looking-fool-winking because playing fool is hard especially when it doesn't become to anyone.

Well deserved Golden Globe and more to come.
Michelle, I always knew it. I really did.
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