Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Me" in Scandinavia

Social media is not as bad as I thought :-D
I stumbled on one Swedish girl's profile on Instagram, who is so like me, really.

She's feminist, has red hair and covers it with colourful tichels. She has two little children, wears glasses and loves Astrid Lindgren's books.

And - she is CAPRICORN!!! I can't believe it. I mean, it couldn't be otherwise, only Capricorn could be that smart and witty, and really positive and nice.

Now, tell me, have I always been crazy to have this extraordinary feeling that I belonged to Scandinavia?


Akee said...

and I have always been drawn to Judaism and Ireland, sometimes life is funny that way.

Sophie@SunnyFunnyWitty said...

Akee, I just saw this comment, sorry. Life is funny. And also very good, because sometimes we need to see, read, hear someone like us so we don't feel too lonely, right?

Akee said...

Yes I think we do, the nice thing with social media is that now it´s easier to find each other.

Akee said...

Ok crazy, I just looked at the picture properly. the glasses look almost like mine and I have those sheets.