My last post was true ill person's diary. It's unbelievable how can one become so tired and stressful when one's ill and has sore throat and nose. But there always is some positive aspect of being sick you know - one has more time to think about its life goals, improving personality and SLEEP. I slept so much on Shavuot that I think I'll never miss sleep again.
Midrasha is fine as usual. Lessons are fantastic, teachers - inspiring; can't say same about the weather. But I'm getting used to it I guess.
I think my English got worse. I mean I have no inspiration to write often on this blog even though there are so many things going on. I used to be very honest on this blog, even more than on my Georgian one, but now I feel like I have grown up so much I can't be same sunny funny girl. I mean, not that I quit being what I have always been, it's just that my life's little complicated right now and I hope it will be settled soon. I feel like flying over the cliff and not knowing whether I keep flying or someone snaps me and tells me to wake up from my dream... :))) I guess I'm being kind of surrealistic, but that's how I feel tonight.
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