Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My Best Self

It's about Sanditon again. It's about Charlotte Heywood played by talented Rose Williams. She is like a lone shining star in that film - one pure and beautiful soul who suddenly happened to visit Sanditon and changed many things including herself.

And myself.

This film made a major impact on me, it made me think and rethink about many things. I've realised I need to express myself, to write, to listen to music, to keep on shining!!! Keep on! 
I am so young damn it! I am.

Really, I looked in the mirror the other day and I saw the same Sophie looking at me (ok, little bit changed), smiling and full of hopes and dreams. Although all of my hopes and dreams are now around my family, I should remember there is ME too, you know what I mean?

"I am my best self, my truest self, when I am with you!"

Charlotte and Sidney made me accept my vulnerability. 
They made me feel young again, however ridiculous it might sound to you. I feel like I've been swimming in ocean for ages and now I got to breathe some fresh air. 
Now I've got to look at myself in the mirror again and say: Sophie, I like you! But you must be your best self, your truest self to feel good about you too!

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