I love writing letters.
Love letters :D I'm such Tatiana Larina, gosh. I have written thousands of letters and burned them all... only some of them I have sent to their addressees.
Well, I am good at letters - whether it's romantic or formal e-mails. Maybe I should start a business - The Sophie Golden Letter Company, huh?
I write and then think, oh, why did I do that? It is so embarrassing in the end. But I feel relieved. It gives me strength and strange feeling of freedom. Of spiritual freedom, if you know what I mean.
Because I love people and want to show my affection to them. Man, I'm so full of positivity that am afraid to explode in the air one day :))) Can't even think why am I so positive. I have had such crazy life - not an easy one and still, as long as I can walk and talk, and feel the love of G-d, I'll be SUNNY, I promise.
I've seen a movie - one boy had a special talent 2 write letters and he earned money in this way. it was funny story - then he meets one girl who wanted 2 write some letters for her guy, that had left her. and then just like in happy ending movies, they are together.
Aaand u can start a business, of course :D :)))
Now you definitely assured me to start a business like that :D (I'd love to see that movie)
Thank you, babisa :)
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