Monday, April 12, 2010

So different yet the same

I had quite intense days. Lost in translation to say so.
Sometimes it's really a wonder that happens to me - when I feel tired, lonely and miserable, suddenly I remember some people who have been in my life, whom I have met and how they influenced me with their bright and kind spirits.

I found out that this girl, Ruchi, who I met in Antwerp on Sukkot got engaged. Mazal tov! I am so glad for her, hope she will have hatzlacha (good luck) in everything. She was the first hassidic girl I've ever known. Before I went to Antwerp I was told how strict orthodox those people were. So I was little afraid of hassids, tell you truth. Then we were invited at Belzs' and that's where I met Ruchi, amazing person with kindest and loveliest dark eyes I have ever seen. Then we started this game that all the girls should have divided in two and do conversation with the girl seated next. So Ruchi and I got together, she told me about her family, life in general, so did I. I was absolutely charmed by her natural beauty and lovely smile. When we talked about the difference between our lives, she told me: "We are still same as we are Jewish." That really made me think over many things and decide that difference is beautiful and G-d has known how to arrange this world so we, different people, could come together and share the same faith which lays in/with Him.

Thank You, Lord. Thank you, dear Ruchi and everyone who never stops smiling and knows that we should not take this life for granted, but be thankful and happy for everything we have got.

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