The movie I've recently seen is this British drama "I capture the castle" with Romola Garai and Rose Byrne in it. Natalia recommended it to me for she knows how much I adore Romola. But I should say that in this case I liked Rose Byrne more. I think it is one of her good roles and she fits so well into this shallow and silly character of Rose Mortmain. Romola was less sympathetic in this movie probably because she played teenage girl even though she has always looked much older, and is indeed more matured than her older sister. I also did not click to Henry Thomas - who will always remain the "E.T" sweet boy. He looks like an old youngster which is kind of scary.

I loved Bill Nighy though. He is something and Britain should be proud of him. He's got very fascinating, extraordinary character which makes everyone watch his movies.
Still movie was worth to see for beautiful green scenery, Romola's inspiring radio voice, redhead Rose Byrne, their crazy stepmother and music which makes it easier in the end.
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