I am so nervous right now.
I am so anxious.
I am so terrified.
19th of May means it is a month to go...
And I miss my fiance so much, it gets harder and harder to live apart.
The weather is stupid as usual - it started to rain then the sun showed up, I wanted to go to sleep meanwhile but now I think I'd better go and get things done.
Georgian consulate is not answering my calls which drives me mad and I probably will go there on Monday without an appointment at all. These government offices are so disturbing, aren't they? Have you ever seen any official representative of the country that would welcome and help you? I have not. Never indeed. And it is not just Georgia, no, my Israeli friends also complain about that, so do others.
It does not comfort me though.
I wanted some paper to be done soon.
I feel so tired, sleepless; my head aches, back aches, eyes ache, stomach aches and I think everything is getting on my nerves, even those things not connected to my body.
Oh, in addition with that I got James Joyce's "Ulysses" and I intend to read it soon. How soon, that is the question :D
Drew Barrymore has got new boyfriend, have I told you that? He's ok. I still prefer Justin Long to him but as long as Drew's happy I am happy. I actually wish I could invite her on my wedding. Wouldn't it be swell?
I am going to be a married woman in a month who will have to take care of her husband, household; one to make home most warm and peaceful place. It is so exciting and little frightening as well because it is something new and unknown, but as my fiance would've said, everyone goes through this and so will we.
სოფი, ნუ ნერვიულობ ასე! ქორწილის დღეს შენი ახლობელი და საყვარელი ადამიანების სახეებს რომ დაინახავ, ყველა ტვირთი მოგეხსნება მხრებიდან და შვებით ამოისუნთქებ :) განსაკუთრებით ერთი სახის დანახვასას, რა თქმა უნდა : )
I didn't know that you're about to get married. Congratulations :) Hope the ceremony and celebration would be great as hoped for.
I don't know if you check my latest post in blogger, but I moved my site to www.inspired-ground.com , just want to inform you that. In the mean time, keep positive and it'll be alright.
@Natalia, უჰ, რა ვქნა, სასწაულად ემოციური ვარ :/ იმედია, მაგრამ მგონი, ისეთ "აფექტში" ვიქნები, ვერაფერს ვიგრძნობ.
@Andina, yeah, what a news, huh? :))) Hope too.
Yeh, have checked it already and changed the too. Good luck.
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