Buddhists believe if you wear these earrings all the time you avoid to reincarnate into donkey in your next life ;) Buddhists really are cool, aren't they. But I am not one of them, I used to think that maybe one can really find serenity in Tibet, but you know what? People are same everywhere and if I got bugged by them here, Tibet won't be exception, I am sure.

One of my Irish friends said that she'd like to leave that 'shit hole' (that's what she said) and go somewhere where she could live freely and would not be government's slave. I felt sad for her because she can't get away from that wherever she goes. If you are rebellious person and can't get along with system and people - there won't be a place to dwell in and be comfortable.

Purim's almost here and I think more about that. I think about Queen Esther being courageous and faithful to G-d, to her people. She did not try to run, did she? Esther stayed there beside the strange man, faced the difficulties and accomplished her mission for good.
I never liked Purim, tell you truth. It was not my celebration to say so, I could not understand nor feel something about it, but this year I learned that everything has its reason, G-d always knows what to do to us, where to take us and what kind of obstacle bring before us. I thank Him for that. I'll be there where I have to be - to serve G-d, complete my task and be brave like dearest Queen Esther.