I haven't blogged properly last month, have I? I've been quite busy and probably will be busy for rest of my life. It is actually nice being busy with something that makes you happy although you know it is not only happiness, but challenge and working on yourself for ever.
My hair and nails have same colour right now. I am half ready for Shabbat. Still haven't figured out what to wear... eternal wonder of a woman.
Have I mentioned that Midrasha's having "
Dating Shabbaton" and many girls have arrived for this Shabbat? Who wouldn't anyway? Title is so catchy for the girls. Every girl likes to know more about dating and talk about it with other girls, even the nutty ones like me. I hope we're gonna have fun tonight. Sometimes you like to hang out with the girls, talk about shallow things and laugh out your guts. I love my little Midrasha girlies, I really do.
Dating issue is one of the serious things in Orthodox Judaism, not shallow at all. It is to be called matchmaking actually. When you hear about your girlfriends' dating you may have fun and laugh about it, but when it comes to you then you realize there is nothing so funny actually. You get nervous and only way to hide your anxiety is to play very cool and casual; to go on a date in your least posh clothes and minimal make up - not forgetting sunny smile and wit though ;)
Well, I am the last person to give tips about Shidduch, trust me. Life is a movie, remember? Especially my life is like the movie and I've been feeling that everything one gets is what one wants and needs. Anyway, I always behave like a
frum Dylan Sanders, giggling and joking all the time.
No matter whether it's
Orthodox Shidduch or not - you have to feel free and comfortable not only with the person you go out but with yourself first. It is all about making each other feel open and wild, you know. Who would go out with someone that makes you tight and shy? Not me. Although I know there are different individuals, shy ones need shy dates, weirdos go out with creepy ones and everyone's happy. As long as everyone's happy and satisfied world goes on turning, and so the population is multiplying, thank G-d.
Be cool, girls! You too, boys! :)
Shabbat Shalom!
Have a swell week end: love, live and laugh, willya?