Friday, December 31, 2010

Languages He understands

(This photo has nothing to do with the post, I just feel like Julie Delpy)

Last update for the year 2010.

Some celebrate New Year and I will celebrate Shabbat tonight. The day of the week when everything stops and all is dedicated to G-d, family and dear people. I don't know what would I be doing without Shabbat, and I cannot either think how I used to live without it. It's the day when I forget about mundane problems and stay alone with Hashem. That's when I can talk to Him openly and tell how I feel, what I want and where I want to be. It is also funny that I always speak to G-d in Georgian when I am sad, in Russian when I am mad, and in English when I feel lonely. He knows every language as you might have guessed.
Although it does not always work that way. Sometimes I do not speak to Him on Shabbat. Because I sleep and sleep all the time, especially if I am sad and blue.

It is not about talking, you know.
Or maybe it is.
It is.
Sometimes you need to speak I can't fight it, can I?

I just have decided that I am fictional diarist and that is the genre I'd like to take for my writing. I mean I have already taken it for most of my stories are like diaries.
Wish me luck so my book shall be published soon.


Setty Lepida said...

Sweetie I wish your book comes out successfully, and I hope it to be the fisrt of many, awarded and widely loved !!! Have a great New Year and He will guide you through it :)

Sophie שרה Golden said...

Dear Setty Lepida, thank you so much! I also hope so :) Have a great New Year yourself and keep blogging - it is unbelievably inspiring.