Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sophie's Thursday

I love Thursdays.
Sometimes I don't.
Usually I do.

Oh, on Thursdays I am a chesed girl which means I go to the particular family of our community in the evening and help to cook for Shabbat. I am the least person fond of cooking but anyways I can make nice things. I made choux pastry and apple kugel at the Smith's today. I have been eager to learn cooking lately actually, I would like to feed my husband well one day. I think when you care about someone you can go over your limits and try to work on the skills you never cared about before.
Life is amazing, isn't it?

Forget that.
I still love Thursday.
It is last day of the working/studying week for me. It means after chesed I can grab a beer, peanuts and have some time with myself sitting, listening to Melanie C and watch some movie after.

Beck's gold has done its job... see you when I'm sober ;) :D

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