Monday, May 11, 2015

מזל טוב, עזרא!!!

My firstborn is 3 since Pessach. It's such an emotional age for me. I feel as if I had him yesterday, little baby with long fingers and thin legs. My first baby, who rocked my world and changed me for good.
My Ezra - little helper with big heart and mind.
My Ezra, the one and only Ezra in the world (for me of course)!!!

Baruch Hashem for him, baruch Hashem for my second born too. Baruch Hashem for everything. Thank You, G-d! Be our guide as always!
May there be peace and joy in the world. May no child experiences pain or loss, may children be happy and carefree knowing there are their mums and dads waiting for them, never letting them down.

I wish health to my big boy, then will power to overcome yetzer hara and never stop developing his good midos (character traits). May you be as great as your namesake Ezra and take us out of galus with your dear brother Aaron, who has this lovely name not by coincidence at all :-)


Talia said...

A big happy birthday to Ezra, and a big happy Mummy anniversary to you!

Is that picture the blue frame to go on his wall? It's lovely! You have a very talented MIL also. :)

P.S I could read that title!! Yay! My lessons are paying off! Ha!!

Sophie@SunnyFunnyWitty said...

Thanks, Talia.

Not sure, but you gave me a good idea. YES!

Good job!!!