Wanted to write to you with a few more impressions of Antwerp. (...) Well, these docks are one huge Japonaiserie, fantastic, singular, strange — at least so one can see them. I’d like to walk with you there to find out whether we look at things the same way...' - Vincent Van Gogh
I can tell what Van Gogh felt walking in Antwerp, and looking for someone to walk and share its thoughts with him. Then I thought for myself - would I like to walk someone in Antwerp to find out whether we look at things the same way? I don't know. Sometimes I just love walking alone and looking at things the way only I see. The reason may be the following: at this very period of my life I have nobody to walk in Antwerp, either in Berlin :) I think I'm on my way of finding the way of my future life, what I really really want and who I want to be with. Imagine, if you date/marry someone and you realize that it's not the one you wanted to walk the docks and see things together.
It's so ironic - as you grow older you become self-confident, but your fears and insecurities grew with you too. What one can do? No need to answer. Just let me find out by myself [and with G-d's help].
It's so ironic - as you grow older you become self-confident, but your fears and insecurities grew with you too. What one can do? No need to answer. Just let me find out by myself [and with G-d's help].